How to Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife: 7 Step-by-Step Complete Guide

Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife

How to Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife? Are you sick and weary of using dull, ineffective kitchen knives? Do you find it difficult to cut meat and vegetables now that your knives are no longer sharp enough? If so, you are not by yourself.

Many people aren’t aware of the right methods for sharpening a kitchen knife, which can cause aggravation and squander time. But don’t worry! In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate some basic tools and methods for Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife. You may restore the efficiency and sharpness of your kitchen knives by following these instructions.

Why You Need to Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife

Let’s first talk about why it’s so crucial to sharpen your kitchen knives before moving on to the how-to section. Cooking with a dull knife can be laborious because using additional force to cut through food can be risky and ineffective. The ease and precision with which a sharp knife slices through food, on the other hand, increases the enjoyment of cooking. Because it is less likely to slide and injure someone, a sharp knife is also safer than a dull one.

Tools Needed to Sharpen a Kitchen Knife

Before we get into the sharpening process, let’s first discuss the tools you’ll need. Here’s what you’ll need to gather:

  • Whetstone
  • Honing rod
  • Water
  • Towel

Now that you have the necessary tools, let’s dive into the process of sharpening your kitchen knife:

Step 1: Prepare the Whetstone

Start by soaking your whetstone in water for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will help keep the stone moist and prevent it from drying out too quickly.

Step 2: Determine the Angle

Next, you’ll need to determine the angle at which you’ll be sharpening your knife. Most kitchen knives have a bevel angle of around 20 degrees. To find this angle, place the knife on a flat surface and look at the blade. You should be able to see a small bevel angle where the blade meets the edge.

Step 3: Begin Sharpening

Now it’s time to start sharpening your knife. Begin by placing the whetstone on a flat surface, with the coarse side facing up. Hold the knife at a 20-degree angle against the whetstone and start moving it back and forth across the stone in a sweeping motion, using light pressure. Repeat this motion 10 to 12 times.

Step 4: Flip the Knife

After sharpening one side of the blade, flip the knife over and repeat the process on the other side.

Step 5: Use the Honing Rod

Once you’ve sharpened both sides of the blade, use the honing rod to refine the edge. Hold the honing rod vertically and place it at the base of the blade, with the tip pointing away from you. Using light pressure, slide the knife down the rod, keeping the blade at a 20-degree angle. Repeat this process on the other side of the blade.

Step 6: Test the Edge

To test the sharpness of the blade, gently slice through a piece of paper. If the blade cuts through the paper with ease, then it’s sharp enough. If not, repeat the sharpening process again.

Step 7: Rinse and Dry the Knife

Once you’re satisfied with the sharpness of the blade, rinse it with water and dry it with a towel.

Tips for How to Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife

Now that you know how to sharpen a kitchen knife, it’s important to maintain its sharpness. Here are 

Here are a few tips to help you maintain a sharp Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife:

  • Regularly honing your knife can help keep it sharper for a longer period of time. A honing rod can be used either once per week or each time you use your knife.
  • Keep your knife out of the dishwasher: It’s preferable to hand wash your knife because dishwashers can harm the blade.
  • Keep your knife safely stored: Make sure to keep your knife secure and away from objects that could harm the blade.
  • Use wood cutting boards instead of glass: Knife blades can be harmed by glass cutting boards. Utilize cutting boards made of wood or plastic instead..

By following these tips, you can maintain the sharpness of your Pro Kitchen Knife and avoid having to sharpen it as often.


Although initially scary, sharpening a pro kitchen knife is a straightforward procedure that only requires a few equipment. You may restore the efficiency and sharpness of your kitchen knives by following the instructions provided in this article. Remember to keep your knife sharp by using an honing rod frequently and adhering to the advice given. Cooking can be safer and more pleasurable with a well-groomed knife. Have fun cooking!


How often should I Sharpen a Pro Kitchen Knife?

It depends on how often you use your knife. If you use it frequently, you may need to sharpen it once a month. If you use it less often, you can sharpen it every few months.

Can I use an electric knife sharpener to sharpen my kitchen knife?

Yes, you can use an electric knife sharpener, but it’s important to use it correctly to avoid damaging your knife.

How do I know if my knife needs sharpening?

If your knife is struggling to cut through food or if it’s tearing instead of slicing, it’s time to sharpen it.

Can I use a sharpening stone instead of a whetstone?

Yes, a sharpening stone can be used instead of a whetstone. Just make sure to follow the instructions provided with the stone.

Can I sharpen a serrated knife using these same steps?

No, serrated knives require a different sharpening process. It’s best to take them to a professional for sharpening.

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